How far is baltimore from new york

The distance between Baltimore, Maryland and New York City, New York depends on the specific locations within each city. Here are the approximate distances between some popular locations:

By car, the drive from Baltimore to New York City typically takes around 4-5 hours depending on traffic and the route you take. The most common route is along I-95 North, which takes you through the Delaware River Valley and into New York City.

By public transportation, you can take a train or bus from Baltimore to New York City. The Amtrak train takes around 2.5 hours, while the Greyhound bus takes around 4-5 hours. You can also take a Megabus or BoltBus, which can take around 4-5 hours depending on traffic.

By air, flights from Baltimore-Washington International Airport (BWI) to one of New York City's three major airports (JFK, LaGuardia, or Newark) take around 1 hour.