How does news fader in smf work

A great question about a fascinating topic!

In SMF (Simple Machines Forum), News Fader is a feature that allows administrators to control the visibility of news posts over time. Here's how it works:

What is News Fader?

News Fader is a feature that gradually reduces the visibility of news posts in the News forum over a specified period of time. This means that as time passes, news posts will become less prominent and eventually disappear from the main news page.

How does News Fader work?

When a news post is created, it is initially displayed prominently on the main news page. However, as the specified time period (set by the administrator) passes, the post's visibility is gradually reduced. Here's what happens:

  1. Initial display: The news post is displayed prominently on the main news page.
  2. Fade-out period: After the specified time period (e.g., 1 week, 2 weeks, etc.), the post's visibility begins to fade out. This means that it will no longer be displayed prominently on the main news page.
  3. Archive: The post is moved to the news archive, where it can still be accessed by clicking on the "News Archive" link.
  4. Complete fade-out: After another specified period (e.g., 1 month, 2 months, etc.), the post is completely removed from the news archive and is no longer accessible.

Customization options

Administrators can customize the News Fader feature to suit their needs. Some options include:

Benefits of News Fader

The News Fader feature offers several benefits, including:

Overall, News Fader is a useful feature that helps administrators manage their news posts and keep their forum organized and easy to navigate.