How does jounalist stay updated on all breaking news

Journalists use a variety of methods to stay updated on breaking news. Here are some common ways they do it:

  1. News wires: Journalists subscribe to news wires like Associated Press (AP), Reuters, and Agence France-Presse (AFP), which provide real-time news updates from around the world.
  2. Social media: Many journalists follow news organizations, government agencies, and other sources on social media platforms like Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn to stay informed about breaking news.
  3. News aggregators: Journalists use news aggregators like Google News, Apple News, and Flipboard to stay up-to-date on the latest news stories.
  4. News apps: Many journalists use news apps like CNN, BBC News, and The New York Times to stay informed about breaking news.
  5. Alerts: Journalists set up alerts on their phones or computers to notify them of breaking news stories, using tools like Google Alerts, Twitter Alerts, or custom-built alert systems.
  6. Newsroom software: Many news organizations use specialized software like Newsroom, Dataminr, or Breaking News to aggregate and prioritize news stories.
  7. Sources and contacts: Journalists maintain a network of sources and contacts within government, industry, and other organizations to stay informed about breaking news.
  8. Press releases: Journalists monitor press releases from government agencies, companies, and other organizations to stay informed about breaking news.
  9. News conferences and briefings: Journalists attend news conferences and briefings held by government agencies, companies, and other organizations to stay informed about breaking news.
  10. Colleagues and peers: Journalists often share information and tips with their colleagues and peers to stay informed about breaking news.
  11. Online news platforms: Journalists use online news platforms like Reddit, Quora, and online forums to stay informed about breaking news and to gather information.
  12. Satellite imaging and remote sensing: Journalists use satellite imaging and remote sensing technologies to gather information about breaking news, such as natural disasters or conflicts.
  13. Crowdsourced reporting: Journalists use crowdsourced reporting platforms like Bellingcat or Eyewitness to gather information from eyewitnesses and citizens about breaking news.
  14. Artificial intelligence and machine learning: Some news organizations use artificial intelligence and machine learning algorithms to analyze large amounts of data and identify breaking news stories.
  15. Training and workshops: Journalists participate in training and workshops to improve their skills in staying informed about breaking news and to learn about new tools and technologies.

By using these methods, journalists can stay updated on breaking news and provide accurate and timely information to their audiences.