How does druephoto make his tiktok

Drue Photo, whose real name is Drue Williams, is a popular TikTok creator known for his stunning photography and videography skills. Here's a general idea of how he creates his content:


Content creation process:

  1. Concept and planning: Drue comes up with an idea for a photo or video shoot, which might be inspired by his surroundings, a theme, or a specific style he wants to achieve.
  2. Location scouting: He scouts out locations that fit his concept, often using his knowledge of the area or asking friends for recommendations.
  3. Camera setup: Drue sets up his camera and equipment at the location, adjusting settings such as ISO, shutter speed, and aperture to achieve the desired effect.
  4. Shooting: He takes multiple shots of the scene, experimenting with different angles, compositions, and lighting setups.
  5. Post-processing: Drue edits his photos using Lightroom and Photoshop, applying adjustments such as exposure, contrast, and color grading to enhance the image.
  6. Video editing: For his videos, Drue uses Adobe Premiere Pro to edit the footage, adding music, transitions, and effects to create a cohesive narrative.
  7. Sound design: He often adds sound effects or music to his videos to enhance the mood and atmosphere.
  8. Final touches: Drue reviews his content, making any final adjustments before posting it on TikTok.

Tips and tricks:

Keep in mind that Drue Photo is a professional photographer and videographer, and his process may be more complex and nuanced than what's described here. However, these general steps should give you an idea of how he creates his stunning content!