How do i register my blog with opera news

Opera News is a popular online news platform that aggregates news and articles from various sources. To register your blog with Opera News, you'll need to follow these steps:

Method 1: Manual Submission

  1. Create a blog: Make sure you have a blog with a unique URL (web address) and a decent amount of content.
  2. Check Opera News' submission guidelines: Visit Opera News' website and look for their submission guidelines or contact form. They may have specific requirements for blog submission.
  3. Fill out the submission form: If Opera News has a submission form, fill it out with your blog's details, including your blog's URL, title, description, and category.
  4. Wait for approval: Opera News will review your submission and may contact you if they need more information. Once approved, your blog will be listed on their platform.

Method 2: Use a third-party aggregator

  1. Choose a third-party aggregator: There are several third-party aggregators that can help you register your blog with Opera News, such as Blogarama, BlogCatalog, or Technorati.
  2. Sign up for the aggregator: Create an account with the aggregator you've chosen.
  3. Add your blog to the aggregator: Follow the aggregator's instructions to add your blog to their platform.
  4. Submit your blog to Opera News: Once your blog is listed on the aggregator, you can submit it to Opera News through their submission form or contact form.

Tips and considerations

By following these steps, you should be able to register your blog with Opera News and increase your online visibility.