How do i perform breaker in mortal komat unchained

Breaker is a fundamental technique in Mortal Kombat, and it's essential to understand how to perform it effectively. Here's a step-by-step guide on how to perform a Breaker in Mortal Kombat:

What is a Breaker? A Breaker is a special move that allows you to counter an opponent's special move or X-Ray attack. When you successfully perform a Breaker, you'll stun your opponent and gain an advantage in the match.

How to perform a Breaker:

  1. Timing is everything: To perform a Breaker, you need to press the "Block" button (usually the "Back" or "Down-Back" button on your controller) at the exact moment your opponent is about to perform their special move or X-Ray attack. The timing is crucial, so practice makes perfect!
  2. Watch for the Breaker window: As your opponent is about to perform their special move, you'll see a brief window of opportunity to perform a Breaker. This window is usually indicated by a flashing "Breaker" symbol above your opponent's head.
  3. Press the Block button: When you see the Breaker window, press the Block button to perform the Breaker. You'll see a flash of light and hear a distinctive sound effect when you successfully execute the Breaker.
  4. Follow up with a combo: After performing a Breaker, you can follow up with a combo to deal significant damage to your opponent.

Tips and Tricks:

I hope this helps you master the art of performing Breakers in Mortal Kombat!