How do i monitor twitter for breaking news

There are several ways to monitor Twitter for breaking news:

  1. Use Twitter's built-in search feature: Twitter's search bar allows you to search for keywords, hashtags, and phrases. You can use specific keywords related to the topic you're interested in, such as "breaking news" or "latest updates".
  2. Follow news organizations and journalists: Many news organizations and journalists have Twitter accounts that they use to share breaking news. Follow them to stay up-to-date on the latest developments.
  3. Use Twitter lists: Twitter lists are curated collections of accounts that you can follow. You can create a list of news organizations and journalists to keep track of their tweets.
  4. Use third-party apps: There are several third-party apps that can help you monitor Twitter for breaking news, such as:
    • TweetDeck: A free app that allows you to monitor multiple Twitter accounts and search for keywords.
    • Hootsuite: A social media management app that allows you to monitor multiple social media accounts, including Twitter.
    • Tweetbot: A Twitter client app that allows you to customize your Twitter experience and monitor multiple accounts.
    • Newsify: A news aggregator app that collects news articles and tweets from various sources.
  5. Use hashtags: Hashtags are a great way to track conversations and news stories on Twitter. Use relevant hashtags related to the topic you're interested in, such as #breakingnews or #latestupdates.
  6. Set up Twitter alerts: Twitter allows you to set up alerts for specific keywords or hashtags. This way, you'll receive notifications when new tweets are posted that match your search criteria.
  7. Use a news aggregator: News aggregators like Google News, Apple News, or Flipboard collect news articles and tweets from various sources and present them in a single feed.
  8. Follow emergency management accounts: Many emergency management agencies, such as the National Weather Service or the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), have Twitter accounts that they use to share breaking news and updates.
  9. Use a browser extension: Browser extensions like Newsify or TweetAlert can help you monitor Twitter for breaking news and provide you with notifications and alerts.
  10. Use a news app: News apps like Apple News, Google News, or Flipboard can help you monitor Twitter for breaking news and provide you with a curated feed of news articles and tweets.

By using these methods, you can stay up-to-date on breaking news and stay informed about what's happening in the world.