How do i get on google news

To get your news story or article featured on Google News, follow these steps:

  1. Meet Google News' guidelines: Ensure your content meets Google News' guidelines, which include:
    • Providing accurate and reliable information.
    • Being a legitimate news source.
    • Having a clear and concise headline.
    • Including relevant keywords and meta tags.
  2. Submit your website to Google News: Fill out the Google News application form to submit your website for consideration. You'll need to provide:
    • Your website's URL.
    • A brief description of your website.
    • Contact information (email and phone number).
  3. Optimize your website for Google News: To increase your chances of being featured, optimize your website for Google News by:
    • Using a clear and descriptive title for each article.
    • Including relevant keywords in your article's meta description.
    • Using a consistent and descriptive URL structure.
    • Providing high-quality and engaging content.
  4. Get indexed by Google: Ensure your website is indexed by Google by:
    • Submitting your sitemap to Google Search Console.
    • Using Google's Search Console to monitor your website's indexing status.
    • Ensuring your website is mobile-friendly and has a fast loading speed.
  5. Produce high-quality and timely content: Google News favors websites that produce high-quality, timely, and relevant content. Focus on:
    • Providing in-depth coverage of news stories.
    • Updating your content regularly.
    • Using credible sources and fact-checking your information.
  6. Use Google News' tools: Utilize Google News' tools, such as:
    • Google News Publisher Center: A platform that helps you manage your news content and track your performance.
    • Google News Analytics: A tool that provides insights into your website's traffic and engagement.
  7. Monitor your performance: Keep track of your website's performance on Google News by:
    • Using Google Analytics to monitor your website's traffic and engagement.
    • Tracking your website's ranking and visibility on Google News.
    • Adjusting your content and optimization strategies based on your performance data.

Remember, getting featured on Google News is a competitive process, and it may take some time to see your website listed. Focus on producing high-quality content and optimizing your website for Google News to increase your chances of success.