How christ empower you to bear the good news

What a powerful question!

As Christians, we believe that Jesus Christ empowers us to bear the good news of the Gospel in several ways:

  1. The Holy Spirit's guidance: Jesus promised to send the Holy Spirit to guide us into all truth (John 16:13). The Spirit helps us understand the Scriptures and gives us wisdom to share the Gospel effectively.
  2. Personal experience: When we have a personal relationship with Jesus, we experience His love, forgiveness, and transformation in our lives. This experience gives us credibility and authority to share the Gospel with others.
  3. The power of the Gospel: The Gospel is not just a message; it's the power of God unto salvation (Romans 1:16). When we share the Gospel, we're not just sharing words; we're sharing the very power of God that can transform lives.
  4. Christ's presence: Jesus is always with us, even when we're sharing the Gospel. His presence gives us courage, confidence, and comfort as we share the message of salvation.
  5. The promise of success: Jesus promised that those who believe in Him will do greater works than He did (John 14:12). This promise encourages us to trust in His power and provision as we share the Gospel.
  6. The example of Jesus: Jesus Himself was a master communicator, using stories, parables, and miracles to share the Gospel. We can learn from His example and use our own unique gifts and styles to share the message.
  7. The armor of God: Ephesians 6:10-18 reminds us to put on the armor of God, including the belt of truth, the breastplate of righteousness, and the shield of faith. This armor helps us stand firm against spiritual attacks and share the Gospel with confidence.
  8. The promise of perseverance: Jesus promised that we would face persecution and hardship as we share the Gospel (John 15:20). But He also promised to be with us and give us the strength to persevere (Matthew 28:20).
  9. The joy of sharing: When we share the Gospel, we experience the joy of the Lord (Psalm 43:4). This joy is contagious and can attract others to the message of salvation.
  10. The promise of eternal reward: Jesus promised that those who share the Gospel will receive a great reward in heaven (Matthew 10:40-42). This promise motivates us to share the Gospel with enthusiasm and passion.

These are just a few ways that Jesus empowers us to bear the good news of the Gospel. May we be encouraged to share the message of salvation with confidence and joy!