How can i send news to bbc pidgin reporting

The BBC Pidgin reporting team is responsible for covering news in Nigeria and other parts of West Africa in the Pidgin language. If you have a news story or tip that you'd like to share with them, here are a few ways you can get in touch:

  1. Email: You can send an email to [email protected] with your news story or tip. Make sure to include as much detail as possible, including your name and contact information.
  2. WhatsApp: The BBC Pidgin team has a WhatsApp number that you can use to send news tips or stories. The number is +44 7715 333 444. Please note that this number is only for news tips and stories, not for general inquiries or feedback.
  3. Facebook: You can also send a message to the BBC Pidgin Facebook page (@bbcpidgin) with your news story or tip.
  4. Twitter: You can tweet your news story or tip to the BBC Pidgin Twitter handle (@bbcpidgin) using the hashtag #BBCPidgin.

When sending your news story or tip, please include the following information:

The BBC Pidgin team will review your submission and may contact you for further information or to confirm the details of your story.