How can i get old news papers in lagos

A great question! Getting old newspapers in Lagos can be a bit challenging, but I've got some suggestions to help you out:

  1. Local Bookstores and Libraries: Visit local bookstores and libraries in Lagos, such as the National Library of Nigeria or the Lagos State Library Board. They might have archives of old newspapers or be able to provide you with information on where to find them.
  2. Online Marketplaces: Websites like Jiji, OLX, or Facebook Marketplace often have people selling old newspapers. You can search for keywords like "old newspapers Lagos" or "vintage newspapers Nigeria" to find relevant listings.
  3. Antique Shops and Vintage Stores: Some antique shops and vintage stores in Lagos might carry old newspapers or be able to order them for you. You can try searching online for "antique shops Lagos" or "vintage stores Lagos" to find some options.
  4. Newspaper Archives: The Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation (NNPC) and the Nigerian Stock Exchange (NSE) have archives of old newspapers. You can contact them to inquire about accessing their archives.
  5. Online Archives: Some online archives, like the British Library's Endangered Languages Archive or the Internet Archive, have digitized copies of old newspapers. You can search for Nigerian newspapers on these websites.
  6. Local Classifieds: Check local online classifieds like Nairaland or Lagos-based online forums to see if anyone is selling or giving away old newspapers.
  7. Contact Newspaper Offices: Reach out to the offices of major newspapers in Lagos, such as The Punch, The Guardian, or ThisDay, and ask if they have archives of old newspapers or know where you can find them.

Some specific places to try in Lagos include:

Remember to be patient and persistent in your search. Good luck!