How anna delvey tricked new york's party people

The infamous Anna Delvey, also known as Anna Sorokin, is a Russian-born con artist who gained notoriety for her elaborate scams and lavish lifestyle. She targeted New York City's wealthy and influential party people, convincing them that she was a wealthy socialite with a trust fund. Here are some of the ways she tricked them:

  1. Fake identity: Anna created a fake identity for herself, claiming to be a German heiress named Anna Delvey. She used this persona to gain access to exclusive events, parties, and social circles.
  2. Fake bank account: Anna created a fake bank account, which she used to pay for her lavish lifestyle. She would often ask friends and acquaintances to deposit money into her account, claiming it was a loan or a gift.
  3. Fake credit cards: Anna used fake credit cards to pay for her expenses, including luxury hotel stays, designer clothing, and expensive dinners. She would often use these cards to rack up large bills, knowing that she wouldn't have to pay them back.
  4. Fake trust fund: Anna convinced many people that she had a trust fund, which would cover her expenses. She would often ask friends to lend her money, promising to pay them back with interest from her trust fund.
  5. Fake business deals: Anna would often pitch fake business deals to investors, promising them high returns on their investment. She would use these deals to convince people to give her money or invest in her fake ventures.
  6. Fake social media profiles: Anna created fake social media profiles, which she used to present herself as a wealthy and influential person. She would often post photos of herself at exclusive events, with luxury cars and yachts, to make herself appear more affluent.
  7. Fake relationships: Anna would often form fake relationships with wealthy men, convincing them that she was in a romantic relationship with them. She would use these relationships to gain access to their wealth and resources.
  8. Fake events: Anna would often host fake events, such as charity galas or fashion shows, which she would use to attract wealthy and influential people. She would use these events to network and build relationships with potential marks.
  9. Fake expenses: Anna would often ask friends and acquaintances to pay for her expenses, claiming that she had forgotten her wallet or that her credit card had been declined. She would often use these excuses to get people to pay for her lavish lifestyle.
  10. Fake apologies: When Anna's scams were discovered, she would often apologize profusely, claiming that she had been going through a tough time or that she had been taken advantage of. She would use these apologies to gain sympathy and avoid accountability.

Anna Delvey's scams were so convincing that she was able to trick many people in New York City's party scene, including celebrities, socialites, and businesspeople. However, her schemes eventually caught up with her, and she was arrested and charged with multiple counts of fraud and theft.