How amps circuit breaker is required for 5.5kw electric motor

To determine the required circuit breaker size for a 5.5 kW electric motor, we need to consider a few factors:

  1. Motor current: The motor current is typically specified in the motor's documentation or can be calculated using the motor's power rating and voltage. For a 5.5 kW motor, the current can be estimated as follows:

Motor current (I) = Motor power (P) / Motor voltage (V) I = 5.5 kW / 230 V (assuming a 230V single-phase motor) I ≈ 23.9 A

  1. Inrush current: Electric motors often have a high inrush current when they start, which can be several times the motor's rated current. This inrush current can cause the circuit breaker to trip if it's not sized correctly. A typical inrush current for a 5.5 kW motor might be around 50-70 A.
  2. Overcurrent protection: The circuit breaker should be able to handle the motor's maximum current, including the inrush current. A common practice is to use a circuit breaker with a rating that is 1.5 to 2 times the motor's maximum current.

Based on these considerations, a suitable circuit breaker size for a 5.5 kW electric motor might be:

Keep in mind that these are general guidelines, and the specific circuit breaker size required may vary depending on the motor's characteristics, the installation's electrical configuration, and local electrical codes and regulations.

It's always recommended to consult the motor's documentation and the circuit breaker's specifications to ensure the correct sizing. Additionally, it's a good idea to consult with a licensed electrician or electrical engineer if you're unsure about the correct circuit breaker size for your specific application.