Houston to new york flight time

The flight time from Houston, Texas (IAH) to New York City (JFK) is approximately 3 hours and 30 minutes to 4 hours and 30 minutes, depending on several factors such as:

  1. Flight route: Direct flights are available, but most flights have a layover or a connection in a city like Atlanta (ATL) or Charlotte (CLT).
  2. Airline: Different airlines have different flight schedules and routes, which can affect the overall flight time.
  3. Weather: Inclement weather, such as thunderstorms or strong headwinds, can cause delays or changes in flight routes, increasing the overall flight time.
  4. Time of day: Flights that depart during peak hours (e.g., morning or evening rush hours) may be more likely to experience delays or congestion, increasing the flight time.

Here are some approximate flight times from Houston (IAH) to New York City (JFK) for different airlines:

Please note that these are approximate flight times and may vary depending on the specific flight schedule and any changes that may occur. It's always best to check with your airline or a flight search engine for the most up-to-date and accurate flight information.