House of reps apc pdp flex muscles for ifako ijaiye bye election inec releases 340 634 registered voters

It seems like you're referring to the upcoming bye-election in Ifako Ijaiye, Lagos State, Nigeria. Here's a breakdown of the information you provided:

The bye-election is being held to fill a vacant seat in the House of Representatives, which was previously occupied by a member who has passed away. The election is expected to be a closely contested one between the ruling APC (All Progressives Congress) and the main opposition party, PDP (Peoples Democratic Party).

The number of registered voters, 340,634, is a significant figure, and both parties are likely to be eager to win the election to gain an advantage in the House of Representatives. The election is expected to be a test of the parties' popularity and organizational skills in the area.

It's worth noting that the bye-election is also seen as a precursor to the 2023 general elections, and both parties are likely to be using the election as an opportunity to test their strategies and mobilize their supporters ahead of the bigger elections.