Horses lyrics maggie rogers

I think you might be thinking of the song "Horses" by Maggie Rogers, featuring Phoebe Bridgers. Here are the lyrics:

[Verse 1: Maggie Rogers] I was born sick But I love it Command me to be well I was born sick But I love it Command me to be well

[Chorus: Maggie Rogers] Horses run Through this red earth Horses run Through this red earth

[Verse 2: Phoebe Bridgers] I was born sick But I love it Command me to be well I was born sick But I love it Command me to be well

[Chorus: Maggie Rogers] Horses run Through this red earth Horses run Through this red earth

[Bridge: Maggie Rogers] I was born sick But I love it Command me to be well I was born sick But I love it Command me to be well

[Outro: Maggie Rogers] Horses run Through this red earth Horses run Through this red earth

Please note that these are the lyrics as they are commonly transcribed, but it's possible that there might be slight variations depending on the version or live performance of the song.