Horizon circuit breakers

Horizon Circuit Breakers!

Horizon Circuit Breakers are a type of electrical circuit breaker designed for use in high-voltage applications, typically in the range of 1-36 kV. They are used to protect electrical circuits from overcurrents, short circuits, and other faults that could cause damage to equipment or even lead to electrical shock or fire.

Here are some key features and benefits of Horizon Circuit Breakers:

Key Features:

  1. High-voltage rating: Horizon Circuit Breakers are designed to operate at high voltages, making them suitable for use in industrial, commercial, and utility applications.
  2. High current ratings: They can handle high currents, making them suitable for use in applications with high power demands.
  3. Fast acting: Horizon Circuit Breakers are designed to trip quickly in the event of a fault, reducing the risk of damage to equipment and minimizing downtime.
  4. Low maintenance: They have a simple and compact design, making them easy to maintain and repair.
  5. Wide range of applications: Horizon Circuit Breakers can be used in a variety of applications, including power distribution systems, industrial processes, and commercial buildings.


  1. Improved safety: Horizon Circuit Breakers help to prevent electrical shocks and fires by quickly disconnecting power in the event of a fault.
  2. Reduced downtime: By quickly tripping in the event of a fault, Horizon Circuit Breakers minimize the risk of equipment damage and reduce downtime.
  3. Increased reliability: Their high-quality design and construction ensure reliable operation and minimize the risk of failure.
  4. Cost-effective: Horizon Circuit Breakers are designed to be cost-effective, with a long lifespan and low maintenance requirements.
  5. Compliance with industry standards: They meet or exceed industry standards for safety and performance, making them a reliable choice for a wide range of applications.

Common Applications:

  1. Power distribution systems: Horizon Circuit Breakers are used in power distribution systems to protect against overcurrents and short circuits.
  2. Industrial processes: They are used in industrial processes to protect against electrical faults and ensure reliable operation.
  3. Commercial buildings: Horizon Circuit Breakers are used in commercial buildings to protect against electrical faults and ensure safe operation.
  4. Utility applications: They are used in utility applications, such as power transmission and distribution systems, to protect against electrical faults and ensure reliable operation.

Overall, Horizon Circuit Breakers are a reliable and cost-effective solution for protecting electrical circuits from overcurrents, short circuits, and other faults.