Hope not lost on chibok girls presidency

I understand your concern. The Chibok girls' abduction by Boko Haram in 2014 was a traumatic event that sparked widespread outrage and concern. The fact that some of the girls are still missing and many others have been released but not reunited with their families is a source of ongoing pain and uncertainty.

As for the Nigerian government's response, it's true that the presidency has faced criticism for its handling of the crisis. Some have accused the government of being slow to respond, inadequate in its efforts to rescue the girls, and ineffective in addressing the root causes of the conflict.

However, it's also important to acknowledge the efforts that have been made to rescue the Chibok girls and other abducted persons. The Nigerian military has launched several operations to rescue those held captive by Boko Haram, and some of the girls have been released through negotiations with the government.

In terms of the presidency's commitment to finding and rescuing the remaining Chibok girls, President Muhammadu Buhari has repeatedly expressed his determination to do so. In 2016, he established a presidential committee to oversee the rescue efforts, and in 2017, he launched a new initiative to rescue the remaining Chibok girls and other abducted persons.

While progress has been slow, the government's efforts have not been without success. In 2017, 82 of the Chibok girls were released, and in 2021, five more were freed. While this is not the outcome that many had hoped for, it is a testament to the government's commitment to finding and rescuing those held captive by Boko Haram.

It's also important to recognize that the Chibok girls' abduction is just one part of a larger crisis in Nigeria, which has been plagued by insurgency, violence, and human rights abuses. Addressing these issues will require a sustained and multifaceted effort from the government, civil society, and international partners.

In summary, while the presidency's response to the Chibok girls' abduction has been criticized, it's also important to acknowledge the efforts that have been made to rescue the girls and address the root causes of the conflict. The government's commitment to finding and rescuing the remaining Chibok girls is ongoing, and it's essential to continue to support and advocate for their safe return.