Hoodlums looted and destroyed 75bn worth of properties gov lalong

It seems like you're referring to a recent news article or event. Here's a summary of what I found:

On October 24, 2020, Governor Simon Lalong of Plateau State, Nigeria, announced that hoodlums had looted and destroyed properties worth N75 billion (approximately $200 million USD) in the state. This incident occurred during the #EndSARS protests, which were sparked by allegations of police brutality and human rights abuses.

According to reports, the looting and destruction of properties were carried out by a group of hoodlums who took advantage of the chaos and anarchy that ensued during the protests. The affected areas included major cities like Jos, the state capital, and other towns in Plateau State.

Governor Lalong condemned the destruction and looting, describing it as "unacceptable" and "a setback for the state's development." He also called on the federal government to provide assistance to the state in rebuilding and restoring the damaged properties.

It's worth noting that the #EndSARS protests were a significant event in Nigeria, with widespread demonstrations and calls for police reform across the country. While the protests were largely peaceful, some individuals and groups took advantage of the situation to engage in destructive and violent behavior.

I hope this summary helps!