Hong kong news now

Here are the latest news updates from Hong Kong:

Top Stories

  1. Pro-democracy lawmakers resign en masse: All 15 pro-democracy lawmakers in Hong Kong's Legislative Council have resigned, citing the erosion of democratic freedoms and the disqualification of their colleagues. (Source: BBC)
  2. China's national security law takes effect: The national security law, which criminalizes secession, subversion, and terrorism, has come into effect in Hong Kong. Critics say it will erode the city's autonomy and freedoms. (Source: Al Jazeera)
  3. Protests continue despite security law: Thousands of protesters took to the streets of Hong Kong on Sunday, defying the new national security law and demanding greater democracy and human rights. (Source: The Guardian)

Other News

  1. Economic concerns mount: Hong Kong's economy is expected to contract by 9.6% this year, according to a report by the Hong Kong Institute for Monetary Research. The city is facing a severe recession due to the COVID-19 pandemic and the ongoing protests. (Source: South China Morning Post)
  2. Coronavirus cases rise: Hong Kong reported 123 new COVID-19 cases on Sunday, the highest daily total in over a month. The city is struggling to contain the spread of the virus, with many residents still wary of returning to public places. (Source: Reuters)
  3. Typhoon hits Hong Kong: A strong typhoon made landfall in Hong Kong on Sunday, bringing heavy rain and strong winds to the city. The typhoon caused widespread disruption, with many flights and ferry services suspended. (Source: CNN)

Opinion and Analysis

  1. The end of Hong Kong's autonomy: The national security law marks the end of Hong Kong's autonomy and the beginning of a new era of Chinese control, writes the Financial Times.
  2. Hong Kong's protests are not just about democracy: The protests in Hong Kong are not just about democracy, but also about the city's identity and the erosion of its autonomy, writes the New York Times.
  3. The economic impact of the national security law: The national security law will have a significant economic impact on Hong Kong, writes the South China Morning Post.