Honeydew south africa news

Here are some recent news articles and updates from South Africa related to honeydew melons:

News Articles:

  1. Honeydew melon shortage hits South Africa (News24, 2022): A severe shortage of honeydew melons has hit South Africa, with prices skyrocketing due to a combination of factors including drought, pests, and disease.
  2. South African honeydew melon farmers struggle to recover from drought (Farmers Weekly, 2022): Honeydew melon farmers in South Africa are struggling to recover from the devastating effects of the 2020 drought, which led to a significant decline in production.
  3. Honeydew melon exports from South Africa to EU increase (Fresh Fruit Portal, 2022): Exports of honeydew melons from South Africa to the European Union have increased significantly in recent years, with the country now ranking among the top honeydew melon suppliers to the EU.

Industry Updates:

  1. South African Honeydew Melon Association launches new marketing campaign (Agricultural Business Development, 2022): The South African Honeydew Melon Association has launched a new marketing campaign aimed at promoting the country's honeydew melons and increasing exports.
  2. Honeydew melon production in South Africa expected to increase (Agricultural Research Council, 2022): The Agricultural Research Council (ARC) has predicted that honeydew melon production in South Africa is expected to increase in the coming season due to improved weather conditions and new farming practices.

Research and Development:

  1. South African researchers develop new honeydew melon variety (ScienceDaily, 2022): Researchers at the University of the Free State in South Africa have developed a new variety of honeydew melon that is resistant to disease and has improved yields.
  2. Study on honeydew melon production in South Africa highlights challenges and opportunities (Journal of Agricultural Science, 2022): A recent study published in the Journal of Agricultural Science has highlighted the challenges faced by honeydew melon farmers in South Africa, including drought, pests, and disease, as well as opportunities for improvement through new technologies and farming practices.

I hope this information is helpful!