Home admin _www_ images news boe mock index.html

It looks like you've provided a list of directories and files on a web server!

Here's a breakdown of what I think each part is:

  1. home: This is likely the root directory of the website.
  2. admin: This is a subdirectory within the home directory, possibly containing administrative files or tools.
  3. _www_: This is a subdirectory within the admin directory, possibly containing files related to the website's backend or server-side functionality.
  4. images: This is a subdirectory within the home directory, likely containing images used on the website.
  5. news: This is a subdirectory within the home directory, possibly containing news articles or blog posts.
  6. boe: This is a subdirectory within the home directory, possibly containing files related to a specific project or section of the website.
  7. mock: This is a subdirectory within the boe directory, possibly containing mockups or test files.
  8. index.html: This is a file within the home directory, likely the main entry point for the website.

So, in summary, this appears to be a web server with a few directories and files organized in a hierarchical structure.