Home about toggle navigation news schools toggle navigation pricing apps

It looks like you're building a website and you've got the basic structure set up! Here's a breakdown of what I see:

Home: This is the main page of your website, where you'll likely introduce your brand, services, or products.

About: This page is usually where you share more about your company, mission, values, and team.

Toggle Navigation: This is a navigation menu that allows users to switch between different sections of your website. The toggle icon (usually three horizontal lines) is a common design pattern for mobile devices.

News: This section might contain updates, articles, or blog posts about your company, industry, or related topics.

Schools: This could be a section for educational institutions, courses, or training programs offered by your company.

Pricing: This page is likely where you'll display your pricing plans, packages, or rates for your products or services.

Apps: This section might contain information about mobile apps developed by your company, or apps that integrate with your services.

Overall, your website structure looks like it's set up for a business or organization that offers products or services, possibly with a focus on education or training.