Hoh hermes is sick and tired of asking housemates to clean up after themselves bbnaija shorts

Here's a possible script for a BBNaija short film:

Title: "Hoh, I'm Sick and Tired!"

Scene: The living room of the Big Brother Naija house. Hermes is sitting on the couch, looking frustrated. The other housemates are lounging around, not paying attention to the mess they've made.

Hermes: (sighing) Hoh, I'm sick and tired of asking you all to clean up after yourselves! It's like, every day, I have to remind you to put away your things, to wipe down the counters, to take out the trash... (he throws up his hands) It's exhausting!

Nini: (laughing) Oh, come on, Hermes. It's not that big of a deal. We're all adults, we can take care of ourselves.

Hermes: (shaking his head) That's not the point. The point is, we're living together in this house, and we need to respect each other's space. And that means keeping the place clean.

Saskay: (rolling her eyes) You're just being a neat freak, Hermes.

Hermes: (frustrated) I'm not being a neat freak! I'm being a responsible person who doesn't want to live in a pigsty. (he looks around the room) Look at this place! It's like a disaster zone.

Whitemoney: (chuckling) Ah, come on, Hermes. It's just a little mess. It's not the end of the world.

Hermes: (exasperated) You're not taking this seriously, guys. This is our home, and we need to take care of it. (he stands up) I'm going to go talk to Biggie about this. Maybe they can help us get our act together.

The other housemates: (laughing and joking) Oh, good luck with that, Hermes!

Hermes: (shaking his head) I don't need luck. I just need some common sense and a little bit of respect for each other. (he walks out of the room, leaving the others to continue their messy ways)

The camera cuts to Biggie, who is sitting in their office, looking thoughtful.

Biggie: (to themselves) Hmm, it seems like Hermes has a valid point. Maybe it's time for a little house cleaning... (they smile to themselves)