Hiv news 2017

Here are some notable HIV news stories from 2017:

Advances in HIV Treatment and Prevention

  1. Single Tablet Regimen (STR) for HIV: The FDA approved a new single tablet regimen (STR) for HIV, which combines three antiretroviral medications into one pill taken once daily. This simplifies treatment and improves adherence for people living with HIV. (Source: FDA)
  2. Long-Acting HIV Injection: Researchers announced a new long-acting HIV injection that can provide sustained suppression of the virus for up to 8 months. This could revolutionize HIV treatment and improve adherence. (Source: Science Magazine)
  3. HIV Prevention Pill: The FDA approved a new HIV prevention pill, Truvada, for use in healthy individuals at high risk of contracting HIV. This pill, also known as PrEP (Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis), can reduce the risk of HIV infection by up to 92%. (Source: FDA)

HIV/AIDS Epidemic Updates

  1. Global HIV/AIDS Epidemic: The World Health Organization (WHO) reported that there were approximately 36.7 million people living with HIV worldwide in 2016, with 1.8 million new infections and 1.1 million AIDS-related deaths. (Source: WHO)
  2. US HIV/AIDS Epidemic: The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reported that there were approximately 1.2 million people living with HIV in the United States in 2016, with 39,782 new infections and 14,555 AIDS-related deaths. (Source: CDC)
  3. HIV/AIDS in Africa: The African Union reported that there were approximately 25 million people living with HIV in Africa in 2016, with 1.4 million new infections and 700,000 AIDS-related deaths. (Source: African Union)

Research and Development

  1. HIV Vaccine: Researchers announced promising results from a Phase II clinical trial of an HIV vaccine, which showed a 30% reduction in HIV infections among participants. (Source: Science Magazine)
  2. HIV Cure: Scientists reported a breakthrough in HIV cure research, using a combination of antiretroviral therapy and a gene editing tool called CRISPR to eliminate HIV from infected cells. (Source: Nature Medicine)
  3. HIV Microbicide: Researchers announced the development of a new HIV microbicide, a gel that can be applied vaginally to prevent HIV transmission. (Source: Science Magazine)

Other News

  1. HIV Stigma and Discrimination: The World Health Organization (WHO) launched a campaign to reduce HIV stigma and discrimination, highlighting the importance of addressing these issues to improve HIV prevention and treatment. (Source: WHO)
  2. HIV and Aging: Researchers reported on the growing issue of HIV and aging, highlighting the need for more research and care for older adults living with HIV. (Source: Journal of the American Medical Association)
  3. HIV and Mental Health: The World Health Organization (WHO) launched a report on the mental health of people living with HIV, highlighting the need for more support and services for people living with HIV and mental health conditions. (Source: WHO)

These are just a few of the many HIV news stories from 2017.