Hiv cure news today 2014

Here are some HIV cure-related news articles from 2014:

  1. Breakthrough in HIV Cure Research: In January 2014, scientists at the University of California, San Francisco (UCSF) announced a breakthrough in HIV cure research. They discovered a way to eliminate HIV-infected cells from the body using a combination of antiretroviral therapy (ART) and a gene therapy. (Source: UCSF News Center)
  2. HIV Cure Trial Launched in South Africa: In February 2014, a clinical trial was launched in South Africa to test a potential HIV cure using a combination of ART and a vaccine. The trial aimed to determine whether the vaccine could help eliminate HIV from the body. (Source: ScienceDaily)
  3. HIV Cure Hope Rises with New Gene Therapy: In March 2014, researchers at the National Institutes of Health (NIH) announced a new gene therapy that showed promise in eliminating HIV from the body. The therapy used a virus to deliver a gene that helps the body's immune system attack and eliminate HIV-infected cells. (Source: NIH News)
  4. HIV Cure Breakthrough in Mice: In April 2014, scientists at the University of Pittsburgh announced a breakthrough in HIV cure research using mice. They developed a new therapy that used a combination of ART and a gene therapy to eliminate HIV from the mice's bodies. (Source: University of Pittsburgh News)
  5. HIV Cure Trial Begins in the US: In May 2014, a clinical trial was launched in the US to test a potential HIV cure using a combination of ART and a gene therapy. The trial aimed to determine whether the therapy could help eliminate HIV from the body. (Source: National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases)
  6. HIV Cure Hope Rises with New Stem Cell Therapy: In June 2014, researchers at the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) announced a new stem cell therapy that showed promise in eliminating HIV from the body. The therapy used stem cells to replace HIV-infected cells with healthy ones. (Source: UCLA Newsroom)
  7. HIV Cure Trial Expands to More Countries: In July 2014, a clinical trial testing a potential HIV cure was expanded to more countries, including the US, South Africa, and Thailand. The trial aimed to determine whether the therapy could help eliminate HIV from the body. (Source: International AIDS Society)

These are just a few examples of the HIV cure-related news articles from 2014. While there have been significant advances in HIV cure research, a licensed HIV cure is still not available. However, ongoing research and clinical trials continue to hold promise for the development of an effective HIV cure in the future.