Hit a new low meaning

The phrase "hit a new low" is an idiomatic expression that means to reach a point of extreme negativity, failure, or shame, often in a situation or circumstance. It implies that the person or entity has fallen to a level that is even worse than their previous worst point.

Here are some examples of how this phrase might be used:

  1. "The company's stock prices hit a new low after the CEO was arrested for fraud." (The company's situation has become even more dire than before.)
  2. "The team hit a new low after losing their 10th game in a row." (The team's performance has reached an all-time low.)
  3. "The politician's approval ratings hit a new low after the scandal broke." (The politician's reputation has reached an all-time low.)
  4. "The city hit a new low after the devastating hurricane destroyed entire neighborhoods." (The city's situation has become even more dire than before.)

In each of these examples, the phrase "hit a new low" is used to convey a sense of shock, disappointment, or dismay at the extreme nature of the situation. It implies that the situation has reached a point of crisis or despair, and that things cannot get any worse.