History of pan african news agency

The Pan African News Agency (PANA) is a news agency that was established in 1977 to provide news coverage and dissemination of information on Africa and the African diaspora. Here is a brief history of PANA:

Early Years (1977-1980s)

PANA was founded in 1977 by the Organization of African Unity (OAU), which is now known as the African Union (AU). The agency was established to promote African unity and solidarity by providing a platform for African news and information. Initially, PANA was headquartered in Dakar, Senegal, and had a small team of journalists and editors.

Expansion and Growth (1990s-2000s)

In the 1990s, PANA expanded its operations and established bureaus in several African countries, including Nigeria, Ghana, Kenya, and South Africa. The agency also began to provide news coverage in French, Arabic, and Portuguese, in addition to English. During this period, PANA also established partnerships with international news agencies, such as the Associated Press and Reuters.

Digitalization and Online Presence (2000s-present)

In the 2000s, PANA began to transition to digital platforms, establishing a website and social media presence. The agency also launched a news wire service, which provides real-time news coverage to subscribers. Today, PANA's online platform is one of the most widely used sources of African news and information, with a global audience of millions.

Current Operations

PANA is headquartered in Dakar, Senegal, and has a network of correspondents and bureaus across Africa. The agency provides news coverage in English, French, Arabic, and Portuguese, and has a team of journalists and editors who work to provide accurate and balanced reporting on African news and issues.

Mission and Objectives

PANA's mission is to promote African unity and solidarity by providing a platform for African news and information. The agency's objectives include:

Challenges and Controversies

Like many news agencies, PANA has faced challenges and controversies over the years. Some of the challenges the agency has faced include:

Overall, PANA has played an important role in promoting African news and information to a global audience, and continues to be an important source of news and information on the continent.