His goalkeeper gave 69 passes getafe coach fires back at barcas de jong

It seems like you're referring to a recent football match between Getafe and Barcelona. The quote you provided is likely a response from Getafe's coach, Quique Sánchez Flores, to a comment made by Barcelona's player, Frenkie de Jong.

The quote suggests that Getafe's goalkeeper, David Soria, made 69 passes during the match, which is a relatively high number for a goalkeeper. De Jong might have made a comment about Soria's passing ability, which Flores is now responding to.

Flores' response is likely a way of defending his goalkeeper's performance and highlighting the importance of his role in the team. By pointing out the number of passes Soria made, Flores is emphasizing that his goalkeeper was not just a spectator on the pitch, but an active participant in the game.

It's also possible that Flores is trying to deflect attention away from any perceived weaknesses in his team's performance and instead focus on the positives. By highlighting Soria's passing ability, Flores is trying to show that his team was able to control the game and create scoring opportunities, despite ultimately losing to Barcelona.

Overall, the quote provides a glimpse into the competitive world of professional football, where coaches and players are constantly trying to outmaneuver each other and gain an advantage.