Hillary rodham clinton latest news

Here are some of the latest news and updates about Hillary Rodham Clinton:

Recent News

  1. Book Tour: Hillary Clinton is currently on a book tour promoting her latest memoir, "The Book of Gutsy Women: Favorite Stories of Courage and Resilience". The book is a collection of stories about women who have made a significant impact in their fields.
  2. Speaking Engagements: Clinton has been speaking at various events and conferences, including the annual Clinton Global Initiative University (CGI U) meeting, where she delivered a keynote address on the importance of empowering young people to take action on global challenges.
  3. Advocacy Work: Clinton has been actively involved in various advocacy efforts, including her work with the Clinton Foundation, which focuses on issues such as climate change, economic development, and women's empowerment.
  4. Political Commentary: Clinton has been sharing her thoughts on current political issues, including the 2020 US presidential election and the ongoing impeachment inquiry into President Donald Trump.

Recent Quotes and Statements

  1. On the 2020 Election: "I'm not going to get into the weeds of who's going to win or lose, but I do think that we need to focus on the issues that matter most to the American people." (Source: CNN)
  2. On Impeachment: "I think it's a very serious matter, and I think the House has a responsibility to do its job and to hold the President accountable." (Source: NBC News)
  3. On Women's Empowerment: "I believe that women's empowerment is not just a moral imperative, it's an economic imperative. When women are empowered, economies grow, and societies become more stable." (Source: The New York Times)

Recent Awards and Honors

  1. The Presidential Medal of Freedom: Clinton was awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom, the highest civilian honor in the United States, by President Barack Obama in 2013.
  2. The Eleanor Roosevelt Award: Clinton was awarded the Eleanor Roosevelt Award for her work in promoting human rights and social justice.

Recent Books and Documentaries

  1. "The Book of Gutsy Women": Clinton's latest memoir, which was published in October 2019, features stories about women who have made a significant impact in their fields.
  2. "Hillary": A documentary about Clinton's life and career, directed by Nanette Burstein, was released on Hulu in March 2016.