Hillary clinton fox news interview

You're referring to the infamous 2015 interview between Hillary Clinton and Megyn Kelly on Fox News!

The interview took place on September 28, 2015, during the 2016 presidential campaign. Megyn Kelly, a Fox News anchor, asked Hillary Clinton questions about her email controversy, which had been a major issue at the time. The interview was widely covered in the media and sparked a lot of controversy.

Here are some key moments from the interview:

  1. Email controversy: Kelly pressed Clinton on her use of a private email server while serving as Secretary of State. Clinton maintained that she had not sent or received any classified information on her personal email account, but Kelly pointed out that some of the emails had been marked as classified retroactively.
  2. Benghazi: Kelly asked Clinton about the 2012 Benghazi attack, which killed four Americans, including Ambassador Chris Stevens. Clinton defended her handling of the crisis, saying that she had taken responsibility for the security failures and had implemented reforms to prevent similar incidents in the future.
  3. Transparency: Kelly asked Clinton about her decision to use a private email server, which Clinton said was a mistake. Clinton also acknowledged that she had not been transparent enough about her email use and promised to be more forthcoming in the future.
  4. Fox News bias: Clinton was asked about her perception of Fox News, which she has criticized in the past. Clinton said that she believed Fox News had a conservative bias, but also acknowledged that the network had a right to exist and that she respected its audience.

The interview was widely covered in the media, with many outlets focusing on Clinton's perceived frustration and defensiveness during the conversation. Some critics accused Clinton of being evasive or dishonest, while others defended her and argued that she was being unfairly targeted by Fox News.

Overall, the interview was seen as a significant moment in the 2016 presidential campaign, with many analysts arguing that it highlighted the divisions between Clinton and her Republican opponents, as well as the ongoing controversy surrounding her email use.