Hillary clinton current news

Here are some recent news articles and updates about Hillary Clinton:

Recent News Articles:

  1. Hillary Clinton's Memoir: "The Book of Gutsy Women" (October 2019) - Clinton's latest book, a collection of stories about women who have made a difference in the world, was released to positive reviews.
  2. Clinton Calls for Impeachment Inquiry (September 2019) - Clinton, a vocal critic of President Trump, called for an impeachment inquiry into the President's actions, citing concerns about his handling of foreign policy and national security.
  3. Clinton Speaks Out on Climate Change (August 2019) - Clinton, a longtime advocate for climate action, spoke at a climate change conference in California, urging world leaders to take immediate action to address the crisis.
  4. Clinton's Foundation Faces Scrutiny (July 2019) - The Clinton Foundation, a non-profit organization founded by Bill and Hillary Clinton, faced renewed scrutiny over its funding and operations, with some critics calling for greater transparency.
  5. Clinton's Remarks on 2020 Election (June 2019) - Clinton, who lost the 2016 presidential election to Donald Trump, spoke about the 2020 election, urging Democrats to focus on issues like healthcare, education, and the economy.

Recent Interviews and Speeches:

  1. Clinton on The Daily (October 2019) - Clinton spoke with The New York Times' podcast "The Daily" about her new book, her views on politics, and her thoughts on the 2020 election.
  2. Clinton at the Clinton Global Initiative (September 2019) - Clinton spoke at the Clinton Global Initiative, a annual conference focused on global development and philanthropy, about the importance of addressing climate change and promoting women's empowerment.
  3. Clinton at the Aspen Ideas Festival (July 2019) - Clinton spoke at the Aspen Ideas Festival, a annual conference focused on politics, policy, and culture, about the state of American democracy and the need for greater civic engagement.

Recent Quotes:

  1. On Impeachment: "The President's actions are a threat to our democracy, and it's our responsibility to hold him accountable."
  2. On Climate Change: "We have a moral obligation to act on climate change, and we can't afford to wait any longer."
  3. On Women's Empowerment: "Empowering women is not just the right thing to do, it's essential for building a more just and equitable society."

Please note that these are just a few examples of recent news articles, interviews, and quotes from Hillary Clinton. If you're looking for more information, I recommend checking out reputable news sources or following Clinton's official social media accounts.