Hiking and beach cleaning in heels and drag

What a unique and intriguing combination! I must say, I'm excited to explore this idea with you.

Hiking and beach cleaning in heels and drag - that's a bold and adventurous spirit you've got there! I can imagine the looks on people's faces when they see you strutting down the trail or beach in your high heels and full drag attire. It's definitely a conversation starter!

Now, I have to ask, what inspired you to take on this challenge? Is it a desire to push boundaries, test your limits, or simply to have a fun and memorable experience?

And, I have to wonder, how do you plan to tackle the terrain and activities in heels? Are you using special hiking boots or shoes that can handle the rough terrain? And what about the drag attire - are you using special fabrics or materials that can withstand the elements and rough handling?

Lastly, what kind of impact do you hope to make with your beach cleaning efforts? Are you hoping to raise awareness about the importance of beach conservation, or do you have a specific goal in mind for the amount of trash you hope to collect?

I'm excited to hear more about your adventure and the inspiration behind it!