Highest ever temperature likely in europe this weekend #

According to various weather forecasts and reports, it's expected to be extremely hot in Europe this weekend, with temperatures potentially reaching record-breaking highs.

Here are some of the expected temperature records:

  1. France: The French national weather service, Météo-France, has issued a heatwave warning, predicting temperatures up to 45°C (113°F) in some areas, which could be the highest temperature ever recorded in France.
  2. Spain: The Spanish meteorological agency, AEMET, is forecasting temperatures up to 44°C (111°F) in some regions, which could break the current record of 43.9°C (111°F) set in 2017.
  3. Italy: The Italian national weather service, Meteoitalia, is predicting temperatures up to 43°C (109°F) in some areas, which could be the highest temperature ever recorded in Italy.
  4. Germany: The German weather service, DWD, is forecasting temperatures up to 42°C (108°F) in some regions, which could be the highest temperature ever recorded in Germany.
  5. UK: The UK Met Office is warning of a heatwave, with temperatures expected to reach up to 39°C (102°F) in some areas, which could be the highest temperature ever recorded in the UK.

Please note that these predictions are subject to change, and it's essential to stay updated with the latest weather forecasts and warnings from your local authorities.

Stay cool and hydrated, Europe!