Higher education news outlets

Here are some popular higher education news outlets:

  1. Inside Higher Ed: A leading online news source for higher education, providing news, analysis, and opinion pieces on topics such as policy, technology, and student affairs.
  2. The Chronicle of Higher Education: A well-respected print and online publication that covers news, trends, and issues in higher education, with a focus on academic and administrative leadership.
  3. EdSurge: A news and information site that focuses on the intersection of education and technology, covering topics such as online learning, edtech startups, and innovation in higher education.
  4. Higher Ed Dive: A news and analysis site that covers higher education policy, finance, and innovation, with a focus on the business and policy aspects of higher education.
  5. Education Dive: A news and analysis site that covers K-12 and higher education policy, finance, and innovation, with a focus on the intersection of education and business.
  6. The Hechinger Report: A non-profit news organization that covers education policy and innovation, with a focus on issues affecting low-income students and students of color.
  7. Diverse: Issues in Higher Education: A news and analysis site that focuses on diversity, equity, and inclusion in higher education, covering topics such as student affairs, faculty diversity, and campus climate.
  8. Inside Higher Ed's News: A news aggregator that collects and curates higher education news from around the web, with a focus on topics such as policy, technology, and student affairs.
  9. Higher Education Today: A news and analysis site that covers higher education policy, finance, and innovation, with a focus on the global higher education landscape.
  10. University Business: A news and analysis site that covers higher education business and finance, with a focus on topics such as fundraising, budgeting, and institutional leadership.
  11. Campus Technology: A news and analysis site that covers higher education technology, with a focus on topics such as online learning, edtech startups, and IT leadership.
  12. The Journal of Blacks in Higher Education: A news and analysis site that focuses on the experiences and issues affecting African American students and faculty in higher education.
  13. The Journal of Student Financial Aid: A news and analysis site that covers student financial aid, with a focus on topics such as financial aid policy, student debt, and college affordability.
  14. The Review of Higher Education: A peer-reviewed journal that publishes research and analysis on higher education policy, finance, and innovation.
  15. The Journal of Higher Education: A peer-reviewed journal that publishes research and analysis on higher education policy, finance, and innovation, with a focus on topics such as student outcomes, faculty development, and institutional leadership.

These are just a few examples of the many higher education news outlets available. There are many more online publications, journals, and news sources that cover various aspects of higher education.