Higher education news 2019

Here are some of the top higher education news stories from 2019:

  1. College Admissions Scandal: In March 2019, a nationwide college admissions scandal was uncovered, involving wealthy parents, including celebrities and business executives, who allegedly bribed college officials and coaches to secure admission for their children to top universities.
  2. Free College Tuition: In January 2019, New York Governor Andrew Cuomo announced a plan to offer free college tuition to students from middle-class families, making New York the first state to offer free tuition to all public college students.
  3. Online Learning Boom: Online learning continued to grow in popularity in 2019, with more students taking online courses and degree programs. According to a report by the Babson Survey Research Group, 77% of higher education students took at least one online course in 2019.
  4. Student Debt Crisis: The student debt crisis continued to be a major concern in 2019, with the total amount of outstanding student loan debt in the United States reaching over $1.6 trillion. In response, some colleges and universities began offering debt-free or debt-reduction programs.
  5. Campus Free Speech: The issue of campus free speech was a hot topic in 2019, with many colleges and universities facing criticism for restricting speech and expression on campus. In response, some lawmakers introduced legislation aimed at protecting free speech on campus.
  6. International Student Enrollment: International student enrollment in the United States continued to decline in 2019, with a 3.3% decrease in the number of international students enrolled in U.S. colleges and universities.
  7. College Rankings: The annual college rankings were released in 2019, with Princeton University topping the list of national universities and Harvard University ranking first among liberal arts colleges.
  8. Faculty Diversity: The issue of faculty diversity remained a concern in 2019, with many colleges and universities facing criticism for lacking diversity among their faculty ranks. In response, some institutions launched initiatives aimed at increasing diversity and inclusion among faculty.
  9. College Athletics: The college athletics landscape continued to evolve in 2019, with the NCAA announcing changes to its rules governing college athletics, including the introduction of a new transfer portal for student-athletes.
  10. Higher Education Funding: Higher education funding remained a major concern in 2019, with many colleges and universities facing budget cuts and declining state funding. In response, some institutions turned to alternative funding sources, such as crowdfunding and corporate partnerships.
  11. Artificial Intelligence in Education: Artificial intelligence (AI) continued to make inroads in higher education in 2019, with many colleges and universities using AI-powered tools to improve student outcomes, such as personalized learning and predictive analytics.
  12. Mental Health: Mental health remained a major concern in higher education in 2019, with many colleges and universities launching initiatives aimed at supporting student mental health and well-being.
  13. Diversity and Inclusion: The issue of diversity and inclusion remained a major focus in higher education in 2019, with many colleges and universities launching initiatives aimed at promoting diversity, equity, and inclusion on campus.
  14. Online Education Platforms: Online education platforms continued to grow in popularity in 2019, with many colleges and universities partnering with online platforms to offer online courses and degree programs.
  15. Higher Education Policy: The federal government continued to play a significant role in shaping higher education policy in 2019, with the Trump administration announcing changes to student loan forgiveness programs and the Department of Education releasing new guidance on campus sexual assault.

These are just a few of the top higher education news stories from 2019.