Higher ed news

Here are some recent higher education news stories:

1. College Admissions Scandal

The college admissions scandal, which involved wealthy parents paying bribes to get their children into top universities, continues to unfold. The scandal has led to the resignation of several college officials and the indictment of dozens of individuals, including celebrities and business executives.

2. Online Learning

Online learning is becoming increasingly popular, with many colleges and universities offering online courses and degree programs. A recent report found that 77% of higher education institutions offer online courses, and 44% offer online degree programs.

3. Student Debt

Student debt remains a major concern in higher education. A recent report found that the total amount of student debt in the United States has reached $1.7 trillion, with the average student debt load being around $31,300.

4. Free College Tuition

Several states and cities have announced plans to offer free college tuition to their residents. For example, New York state has announced a plan to offer free tuition to students from low- and middle-income families at public colleges and universities.

5. Campus Free Speech

There has been a growing concern about campus free speech, with some colleges and universities being accused of restricting free speech and promoting a culture of political correctness. A recent report found that 60% of college students believe that their institutions are not doing enough to protect free speech.

6. International Student Enrollment

International student enrollment has been declining in recent years, with many colleges and universities struggling to attract and retain international students. A recent report found that international student enrollment in the United States has declined by 3.3% over the past year.

7. Faculty Diversity

There has been a growing concern about the lack of diversity among college faculty, with many institutions struggling to attract and retain diverse faculty members. A recent report found that only 25% of college faculty members are from underrepresented racial and ethnic groups.

8. College Rankings

College rankings continue to be a major issue in higher education, with many institutions competing for top rankings. A recent report found that the top 10 colleges in the United States are all private institutions, with the majority being Ivy League schools.

9. Mental Health

Mental health is becoming an increasingly important issue in higher education, with many colleges and universities struggling to support the mental health needs of their students. A recent report found that 60% of college students have experienced anxiety or depression.

10. Accreditation

Accreditation is a major issue in higher education, with many institutions struggling to maintain their accreditation status. A recent report found that 15% of colleges and universities in the United States are at risk of losing their accreditation.

These are just a few of the many higher education news stories that have been making headlines recently.