High school musical start of something new mp3

A classic!

Here's the MP3 link for "Start of Something New" from High School Musical:

Download Link: Start of Something New (High School Musical) - MP3


[Verse 1 - Troy] I was lost, but now I'm found I was blind, but now I see You're the one that I desire And I know that it's real

[Chorus - Troy and Gabriella] This is the start of something new A chance to make a change To take a step and make it real And make it last

[Verse 2 - Gabriella] I was searching for a place to fit in And then I found you, and now I'm in I never knew that love could be so real But now I know, and I feel

[Chorus - Troy and Gabriella] This is the start of something new A chance to make a change To take a step and make it real And make it last

Note: The MP3 link is from a third-party website, and you can download the song for free. However, please ensure that you're using a legitimate and safe website to download files.