High low voltage protection breaker

A high-low voltage protection breaker, also known as a voltage protection relay or voltage monitoring breaker, is an electrical device designed to protect electrical circuits from damage caused by excessive high or low voltage conditions. Here's how it works:


A high-low voltage protection breaker is typically installed in a circuit breaker panel or a distribution board. It continuously monitors the voltage level in the circuit and trips (opens) the circuit when the voltage exceeds a predetermined high or low threshold.

High Voltage Protection:

When the voltage in the circuit exceeds the set high threshold (usually around 130-140% of the nominal voltage), the breaker trips to prevent damage to equipment, wiring, or other components that may be sensitive to high voltage. This is particularly important in applications where high voltage can cause equipment failure, electrical shock, or even fires.

Low Voltage Protection:

Conversely, when the voltage in the circuit falls below the set low threshold (usually around 90-100% of the nominal voltage), the breaker trips to prevent damage to equipment, wiring, or other components that may be sensitive to low voltage. This is crucial in applications where low voltage can cause equipment malfunction, data loss, or even complete failure.

Types of High-Low Voltage Protection Breakers:

There are several types of high-low voltage protection breakers available, including:

  1. Analog Breakers: These breakers use analog sensors to measure voltage and trip the circuit when the voltage exceeds the set threshold.
  2. Digital Breakers: These breakers use digital sensors and microprocessors to monitor voltage and trip the circuit when the voltage exceeds the set threshold.
  3. Smart Breakers: These breakers are equipped with advanced features like communication protocols, remote monitoring, and automated fault detection and isolation.


High-low voltage protection breakers are commonly used in various industries, including:

  1. Industrial Power Systems: To protect industrial equipment, machinery, and control systems from voltage fluctuations.
  2. Data Centers: To ensure reliable operation of data center equipment and prevent data loss due to voltage fluctuations.
  3. Commercial Buildings: To protect commercial equipment, lighting, and HVAC systems from voltage fluctuations.
  4. Renewable Energy Systems: To protect solar panels, wind turbines, and other renewable energy equipment from voltage fluctuations.

In summary, high-low voltage protection breakers are essential devices that help prevent equipment damage, electrical shock, and data loss by monitoring and controlling voltage levels in electrical circuits.