Heroku create new app

To create a new Heroku app, you can use the following command:

heroku create <app-name>

Replace <app-name> with the name you want to give your app. For example:

heroku create my-new-app

This will create a new Heroku app with the specified name and set up a basic configuration for you. You can then deploy your code to the app using a Git repository.

If you want to create an app with a specific stack (e.g., Node.js, Python, etc.), you can specify the stack when creating the app:

heroku create <app-name> --stack <stack-name>

For example:

heroku create my-new-app --stack nodejs

This will create a new Heroku app with the specified name and set up a basic configuration for a Node.js app.

You can also specify additional options when creating an app, such as:

For example:

heroku create my-new-app --region us --team my-team --addons heroku-postgresql

This will create a new Heroku app with the specified name, set up a basic configuration for a Node.js app, and enable the Heroku PostgreSQL add-on.