Heritage poly news

You're interested in staying up-to-date on the latest news and developments related to Heritage Polytechnic, a polytechnic institution in Nigeria. Here are some recent news articles and updates about the institution:

Recent News Articles:

  1. Heritage Polytechnic Celebrates 25th Anniversary: The institution recently celebrated its 25th anniversary, marking a milestone in its history. The event was attended by dignitaries, including the institution's founder, Dr. Mike Omotosho. (Source: Vanguard News)
  2. Heritage Polytechnic Partners with International University: The institution has partnered with the University of Applied Sciences in Germany to offer a dual degree program in engineering. This partnership aims to provide students with a global perspective and enhance their employability. (Source: ThisDay Live)
  3. Heritage Polytechnic Wins National Quiz Competition: The institution's quiz team won the national quiz competition organized by the National Board for Technical Education (NBTE). The team was awarded a cash prize and a trophy. (Source: The Nation Newspaper)


  1. New Academic Programmes: Heritage Polytechnic has introduced new academic programs in areas such as artificial intelligence, data science, and cybersecurity. These programs are designed to equip students with the skills needed to succeed in the digital age.
  2. Infrastructure Development: The institution is undergoing infrastructure development, including the construction of new lecture halls, laboratories, and hostels. This is aimed at providing a conducive learning environment for students.
  3. Alumni Association: The Heritage Polytechnic Alumni Association has been established to promote networking and collaboration among alumni. The association aims to provide support to current students and graduates.

Upcoming Events:

  1. Heritage Polytechnic Convocation Ceremony: The institution's convocation ceremony is scheduled to hold in November, where graduates will be awarded their degrees and diplomas.
  2. Heritage Polytechnic Research Conference: The institution is organizing a research conference in December, which will bring together academics and researchers to share knowledge and ideas.

I hope this information is helpful!