Herdsmen attacks huriwa threatens to drag buhari osinbajo others to icc

It seems like there's a pressing issue in Nigeria that requires attention. Here's a summary of the situation:

Huriwa, a human rights activist, has threatened to drag President Muhammadu Buhari, Vice President Yemi Osinbajo, and other government officials to the International Criminal Court (ICC) over the recent herdsmen attacks in the country.

Huriwa, who is the National Coordinator of the Civil Society Legislative Advocacy Centre (CISLAC), has accused the government of failing to protect citizens from the attacks, which have resulted in the loss of lives and property. He has also criticized the government's response to the crisis, saying it has been inadequate and ineffective.

Huriwa has given the government a 14-day ultimatum to take concrete steps to address the crisis, including deploying security personnel to affected areas and providing compensation to victims. If the government fails to meet these demands, Huriwa has threatened to take the matter to the ICC.

This is a serious issue that requires immediate attention from the government. The herdsmen attacks have caused immense suffering and displacement, and it's the government's responsibility to protect its citizens. I hope that the government takes Huriwa's demands seriously and takes concrete steps to address the crisis.

What do you think about this situation? Should the government take immediate action to address the crisis, or is there more to the story that we're not aware of?