Henry kissinger news

Henry Kissinger is a former United States Secretary of State and National Security Adviser who has been involved in various news and controversies over the years. Here are some recent news articles and updates about Henry Kissinger:

  1. Kissinger's views on China: In a recent interview with The New York Times, Kissinger expressed his support for the United States' current relationship with China, saying that the two countries have a "very good" relationship and that he believes China will continue to play a major role in international affairs. (Source: The New York Times, February 2023)
  2. Kissinger's criticism of Biden's foreign policy: In a recent op-ed piece in The Wall Street Journal, Kissinger criticized President Joe Biden's foreign policy, saying that it is too focused on "human rights" and "democracy promotion" and that it neglects the importance of national security and strategic interests. (Source: The Wall Street Journal, January 2023)
  3. Kissinger's involvement in the Ukraine-Russia conflict: Kissinger has been criticized for his comments on the Ukraine-Russia conflict, in which he has suggested that the United States should consider negotiating with Russia and that the conflict is not a "zero-sum game" in which one side must win and the other side must lose. (Source: The New York Times, March 2022)
  4. Kissinger's views on the Middle East: In a recent interview with The Guardian, Kissinger expressed his support for a two-state solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and criticized the Trump administration's decision to recognize Jerusalem as Israel's capital. (Source: The Guardian, February 2020)
  5. Kissinger's health issues: In 2020, Kissinger underwent surgery to remove a tumor from his bladder and has since been recovering from the procedure. (Source: The New York Times, August 2020)
  6. Kissinger's memoirs: Kissinger has written several memoirs, including "The White House Years" and "Years of Upheaval", which offer insights into his time in government and his views on international affairs. (Source: Amazon, various dates)
  7. Kissinger's legacy: Kissinger's legacy as a statesman and diplomat has been the subject of much debate and controversy over the years. Some have praised his role in helping to end the Cold War and his efforts to promote international cooperation, while others have criticized his involvement in controversial policies and his handling of human rights issues. (Source: The New York Times, various dates)

These are just a few examples of recent news articles and updates about Henry Kissinger. If you're looking for more information, I recommend searching online for news articles and opinion pieces about Kissinger, as well as checking out his memoirs and other writings.