Health news 2017

Here are some of the most significant health news stories from 2017:

  1. Opioid Epidemic Reaches Crisis Levels: The United States saw a record number of opioid-related deaths in 2017, with over 42,000 fatalities. The crisis was declared a national emergency by President Donald Trump in October.
  2. Vaccination Rates Decline: According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), vaccination rates in the US declined in 2017, leading to outbreaks of preventable diseases such as measles and whooping cough.
  3. Zika Virus Outbreak in Brazil: Brazil reported a significant outbreak of Zika virus in 2017, with over 2,000 cases reported. The virus was linked to birth defects and neurological disorders.
  4. Antibiotic Resistance: The World Health Organization (WHO) warned that antibiotic resistance was a major threat to global health, with many common infections becoming untreatable.
  5. Cancer Research Breakthroughs: Scientists made significant progress in cancer research in 2017, including the development of new immunotherapies and targeted treatments.
  6. Gene Editing Technology: The gene editing tool CRISPR-Cas9 was used to treat a genetic disorder in humans for the first time, raising hopes for new treatments for genetic diseases.
  7. Mental Health Awareness: Mental health awareness increased in 2017, with many celebrities and public figures speaking out about their own struggles with mental illness.
  8. Flu Vaccine Shortages: A shortage of flu vaccines in the US led to concerns about the effectiveness of the vaccine in preventing the spread of the flu.
  9. Ebola Outbreak in Congo: The Democratic Republic of Congo reported a new outbreak of Ebola in 2017, with over 300 cases reported.
  10. Obesity Rates Continue to Rise: According to the CDC, obesity rates in the US continued to rise in 2017, with over 39% of adults classified as obese.
  11. New HIV Treatment Options: The FDA approved new HIV treatment options in 2017, including a single-pill combination therapy that simplifies treatment for people living with HIV.
  12. Meningitis Outbreak in Africa: A meningitis outbreak in Africa affected over 10,000 people in 2017, with many cases reported in Nigeria and other countries.
  13. Cervical Cancer Vaccine: The FDA approved a new cervical cancer vaccine in 2017, which protects against human papillomavirus (HPV) types 9 and 6.
  14. Sleep Apnea Awareness: Sleep apnea awareness increased in 2017, with many experts highlighting the importance of diagnosing and treating the condition to prevent serious health complications.
  15. Medical Marijuana Legalization: Several states in the US legalized medical marijuana in 2017, with many more considering similar legislation.

These are just a few of the many significant health news stories from 2017.