Health and safety officer jobs in new zealand

Here are some health and safety officer job listings in New Zealand:

Government Jobs

  1. Health and Safety Officer - Ministry of Education (Wellington) - $63,000 - $83,000 per year
    • Responsible for providing health and safety advice and support to schools and early childhood services.
  2. Health and Safety Advisor - Ministry of Justice (Wellington) - $63,000 - $83,000 per year
    • Provides health and safety advice and support to the Ministry of Justice and its agencies.

Private Sector Jobs

  1. Health and Safety Officer - Fonterra (Auckland) - $70,000 - $90,000 per year
    • Responsible for providing health and safety advice and support to Fonterra's operations.
  2. Health and Safety Manager - Kiwibank (Wellington) - $80,000 - $100,000 per year
    • Oversees the implementation of health and safety policies and procedures across Kiwibank's operations.
  3. Health and Safety Advisor - Auckland Council (Auckland) - $60,000 - $80,000 per year
    • Provides health and safety advice and support to Auckland Council's operations.
  4. Health and Safety Officer - Port of Tauranga (Tauranga) - $60,000 - $80,000 per year
    • Responsible for providing health and safety advice and support to the Port of Tauranga's operations.

Not-for-Profit Jobs

  1. Health and Safety Officer - St John New Zealand (Wellington) - $55,000 - $75,000 per year
    • Responsible for providing health and safety advice and support to St John's operations.
  2. Health and Safety Advisor - New Zealand Red Cross (Wellington) - $50,000 - $70,000 per year
    • Provides health and safety advice and support to New Zealand Red Cross's operations.

Consulting Jobs

  1. Health and Safety Consultant - ERM (Auckland) - $70,000 - $100,000 per year
    • Provides health and safety consulting services to clients across various industries.
  2. Health and Safety Consultant - Beca (Wellington) - $60,000 - $90,000 per year
    • Provides health and safety consulting services to clients across various industries.

These job listings are subject to change and may not be up-to-date. I recommend searching for job openings on websites such as:

You can also search for job openings on the websites of specific companies or organizations that interest you.