Headlines on nta network news 9pm 8th february 2019

According to the BBC's archive of News at Ten bulletins, here are the headlines from the 9pm broadcast on February 8th, 2019:

  1. Brexit: May's Plan B Defeated: The UK Prime Minister's alternative plan for leaving the EU has been rejected by MPs, leaving the country in a state of uncertainty.
  2. Syria: US-Led Coalition Accused of Civilian Deaths: The US-led coalition fighting ISIS in Syria is facing criticism over reports of civilian casualties in a recent bombing campaign.
  3. France: Yellow Vest Protests Continue: The French government has deployed thousands of police to quell ongoing protests by the Yellow Vest movement, which has been demanding economic and social reforms.
  4. India: Deadly Train Crash: At least 15 people have been killed and dozens injured in a train crash in eastern India, with rescue efforts ongoing.
  5. Australia: Bushfires Continue to Rage: Firefighters are battling massive bushfires in eastern Australia, with thousands of people forced to evacuate their homes.
  6. UK Weather: Storm Erik Brings Strong Winds: The UK is bracing for strong winds and heavy rain as Storm Erik makes landfall, with warnings of potential disruptions to travel and daily life.

These are the main headlines from the 9pm News at Ten broadcast on February 8th, 2019.