Headlines for friday politics news

Here are some potential headlines for Friday politics news:

  1. "Trump's Trade War Escalates: China Hits Back with Tariffs on US Goods"
  2. "House Democrats Unveil Sweeping Climate Change Bill, Aim to Pass by End of Summer"
  3. "Senate Republicans Block Vote on Gun Control Measure, Sparking Outrage from Democrats"
  4. "White House Announces Plan to Send 1,000 Troops to US-Mexico Border to Combat Migrant Crisis"
  5. "Justice Department Launches Investigation into Russian Interference in 2020 Election"
  6. "Pelosi and Schumer Meet with Trump to Discuss Infrastructure Deal, But Progress Remains Elusive"
  7. "New York Governor Cuomo Signs Bill to Allow Non-Citizen Voting in Local Elections"
  8. "Trump Administration Proposes Rollback of Obama-Era Net Neutrality Rules"
  9. "House Republicans Introduce Bill to Repeal Affordable Care Act, Sparking Fierce Opposition from Democrats"
  10. "FBI Director Wray Testifies Before Senate Committee, Defends Handling of Russia Probe"
  11. "California Governor Newsom Signs Bill to Make State's Electoral Votes Proportional to Popular Vote"
  12. "Trump's Former National Security Adviser Bolton Testifies Before House Committee on Ukraine Scandal"
  13. "Senate Democrats Block Vote on Trump's Nominee for Federal Judge, Citing Lack of Transparency"
  14. "White House Announces Plan to Cut Funding for Planned Parenthood, Sparking Outrage from Abortion Rights Advocates"
  15. "House Democrats Introduce Bill to Expand Voting Rights, Reduce Gerrymandering"

These are just a few examples of potential headlines for Friday politics news. The actual headlines may vary depending on the specific news stories and developments of the day.