Headline news story template

Here is a template for a headline news story:

Headline: [Insert attention-grabbing headline here]

Subheading: [Insert brief summary of the story]

Dateline: [Insert location and date of the story]


[Insert 2-3 paragraphs of text summarizing the main points of the story]

Key Points:



Additional Information:

Related Stories:

Contact Information:

Here's an example of what the template might look like with a sample story:

Headline: BREAKING: Massive Fire Engulfs Downtown Skyscraper

Subheading: Firefighters battle 10-alarm blaze at iconic office building

Dateline: New York, NY - March 12, 2023


A massive fire engulfed a 50-story skyscraper in downtown New York City early this morning, sending flames shooting out of the top floors and forcing the evacuation of nearby buildings. The blaze, which was reported at around 2:30am, is believed to have started on the 20th floor of the building, which is home to several major corporations.

Firefighters from across the city responded to the scene, with crews from the FDNY and NYPD working together to battle the flames. The fire was brought under control after several hours, but not before it had spread to several surrounding buildings.

Key Points:



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