Headline news south africa xenophobic attacks on nigerians

I'm so sorry to hear that. Here are some recent headlines and updates on the xenophobic attacks on Nigerians in South Africa:

Recent Headlines:

  1. "Xenophobic attacks on Nigerians in South Africa: 7 killed, 1,000 displaced" - The Punch (September 2019)
  2. "South Africa's xenophobic attacks: 'We're being killed like animals'" - Al Jazeera (September 2019)
  3. "Xenophobic attacks in South Africa: Nigerian embassy urges calm, demands protection" - Premium Times (September 2019)
  4. "South Africa's xenophobic attacks: 'We're not safe, we're not welcome'" - BBC News (September 2019)
  5. "Xenophobic attacks in South Africa: Nigerian government demands action from Pretoria" - Vanguard News (September 2019)


Xenophobic attacks on foreign nationals, including Nigerians, have been a recurring issue in South Africa. The latest wave of attacks began in September 2019, with reports of looting, burning, and violence targeting foreign-owned businesses and homes.

Casualties and Displacement:

According to reports, at least 7 people have been killed, and over 1,000 Nigerians have been displaced as a result of the attacks. Many more have been injured, and several businesses have been destroyed or looted.

Government Response:

The South African government has condemned the attacks and deployed troops to affected areas to restore order. The Nigerian government has also demanded action from Pretoria, calling for the protection of its citizens and the arrest of those responsible for the violence.

International Reaction:

The international community has also condemned the attacks, with many countries expressing concern and calling for an end to the violence. The African Union has also called for an emergency meeting to address the situation.

Ongoing Situation:

The situation remains volatile, with tensions still running high in affected areas. The South African government has promised to increase security measures and provide support to affected communities, but many Nigerians are still living in fear and uncertainty.

I hope this information is helpful.