Hazard news 2017

Here are some notable hazard news stories from 2017:

  1. Wildfires in California: The 2017 California wildfires were a series of devastating wildfires that burned across the state, killing at least 44 people, injuring many more, and destroying thousands of homes and businesses. The fires were fueled by strong winds, dry conditions, and human activity.
  2. Hurricane Harvey: Hurricane Harvey made landfall in Texas in August 2017, causing catastrophic flooding and damage in Houston and surrounding areas. The storm killed at least 89 people and caused an estimated $125 billion in damages, making it one of the costliest natural disasters in U.S. history.
  3. North Korea's Nuclear Test: In September 2017, North Korea conducted its sixth and most powerful nuclear test to date, sparking international condemnation and concerns about the spread of nuclear weapons.
  4. Chemical Plant Explosion in Texas: A chemical plant explosion in Port Neches, Texas, in November 2017 released toxic chemicals into the air, forcing the evacuation of thousands of people and causing widespread damage.
  5. Floods in South Asia: Heavy rainfall and flooding in South Asia, particularly in India, Nepal, and Bangladesh, killed hundreds of people and displaced millions in August and September 2017.
  6. Wildfires in Portugal: A series of devastating wildfires in Portugal in June 2017 killed at least 64 people, injured many more, and destroyed thousands of hectares of land.
  7. Earthquake in Mexico: A powerful earthquake struck Mexico in September 2017, killing at least 369 people and causing widespread damage and displacement.
  8. Tornado Outbreak in the United States: A severe tornado outbreak in the United States in April 2017 killed at least 38 people and injured hundreds more, with the hardest-hit areas being Oklahoma, Texas, and Arkansas.
  9. Volcanic Eruption in Guatemala: A volcanic eruption in Guatemala in June 2017 killed at least 165 people, injured many more, and displaced thousands, with the eruption causing widespread ash fall and pyroclastic flows.
  10. Cyberattack on Ukraine: A massive cyberattack on Ukraine's power grid in December 2017 left hundreds of thousands of people without electricity, highlighting the growing threat of cyberattacks on critical infrastructure.

These are just a few examples of the many hazards that made headlines in 2017.